You’re a…

Day Misplacer

Day Misplacer ⏰

You are creative, but oftentimes find yourself working on miscellaneous takes that aren’t truly moving the (revenue generating) needle for your business.

But don’t stress!

You have an opportunity for massive revenue growth just by taking control of your schedule and managing your time better.

👇Here’s How👇

The #1 Thing To Avoid As a “Day Misplacer”

As much as you love freedom and creativity, if you’re a Day Misplacer, you need to resist the urge to just work on whatever you feel like, when you feel like it! Instead, put systems in place to give yourself a clear plan of action for each day.

Three Strategies to Boost Your Revenue as a Day Misplacer🚀:

1. Set micro-deadlines.

Just circling a date on your calendar and writing “launch business” is a surefire way to get lost in the weeds (I’m guilty as charged). Instead, break your big projects down into phases and set a deadline for each phase. These “micro-deadlines” will help you stay accountable throughout the entire day-to-day and month-to-month operation of your business.

2. Time-block your calendar.

View each hour of your day as a block and fill up your “blocks” with what tasks you’ll work on during each block at the beginning of each week. If you don't assign when you're going to do something, it's not likely to get done.

3. Track your time.

For one week, track what you do each day in 30-minute increments in a journal. Each time you check social, or refresh your email, or go down a rabbit hole on Pinterest, write it down. This will clearly illuminate your bad habits when it comes to time.

Before you go any further…want to get more weekly insights like this?

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